May 2018 – Maintenance Release

Included here is a description of the changes.  If you have any questions, please contact for more information. 


1. Added new ‘QUICKCHECK’ tracking:  Simply scanning will save a ‘checkin’ record, even if the person selects nothing else.

DESCRIPTION:  Historically, when a person checks in, they have needed to select 1 or more activities and/or volunteering items they want to ‘log’ for the day in order for ‘data’ to be collected.  Some centers have created a generic all-day event that people have been able to choose if they aren’t doing anything specific for the day.  They have created generic events like ‘CHECKIN’ or ‘ALLDAY’ or ‘JUST VISITING’ so that people can checkin to that 1 generic event, capturing that data for future reporting.

Some sites have expressed an interest in not having to create this ‘default’ all-day generic event at all. Rather, they would simply like people to be able to SCAN their card and immediately press SAVE, without having to select specific events they are going to. In this release, we have added this as a new tracking concept called ‘CHECKINS’.

HOW DOES QUICKCHECK WORK? Whenever a person uses the CHECKIN station, the system will automatically save a record in our new CHECKIN table, identifying that the person ‘CHECKED-IN that day. It logs only 1 record per person, per day. In this way, if a person uses the check-in station but never selects anything on the screen, you are still, automatically, capturing data that they ‘checked in’.   

People can continue as they have in the past, checking specific activities they are attending and/or adding volunteer time.  That has not changed.

These new ‘QUICKCHECK’ statistics for your account can be seen in a new tab found at HOME –> DAILY CHECK-INS.  Additional detailed reports can also be found in REPORTING – reports 1H and 1J. When viewing a specific PERSON, you will also be able to see their check-in history by visiting their EVENTS – CHECK-IN HISTORY tab.

2. CLOSE BUTTON ENHANCED:  For those people that do not use their scancard and use the keypad to put in their phone number at the check-in station, the CLOSE button on the keypad will now automatically process the number they entered and then present the list of activities for check-in.  In the past, this was a two-step process where the viewer had to click ‘CLOSE’ and also click ‘GO’ to start the process.   


2.  Data Privacy Enhancements

1. PINCODES for PEOPLE:   A new option has been added enabling administrators to generate a random pincode for each PERSON. This pincode can be used in CHECKIN and HOME USE as another layer of sign-in security. Random numbers have been created by default for all people currently in the system. When a new person is added, the system will generate their pincode automatically. If you need to reset a pincode, you will be able to visit that person’s record, and select the button to GENERATE NEW PINCODE which will create a randomly generated pin.  To add PINCODE to the security options you use for CHECKIN and/or HOME USE, you would enable this in your ACCOUNT – BASE SETUP, SECURITY selections field. 

2. CHECKIN and HOME USE names:  Names presented in CHECKIN and HOME USE are being reduced to FIRSTNAME LASTNAME-INITIAL (ie. DEB J).   In the past, these have been FIRSTNAME LASTNAME and PHONE (DEB JONES 444-333-2222).



1. Report 4H, which provides a yearly view by month of membership totals, has been updated to include data on lapsed memberships and grace period memberships.

2. Report 1H updated to include new CHECKIN data. This report shows you daily totals of unduplicated ATTENDEES, along with ATTENDEES that used CHECKIN station, and TOTAL CHECKINS for the day.
UNDUPLICATED ATTENDEES=unique count of people who attended at least 1 event for the day.
ATTENDEES THAT CHECKED IN= unique count of people who attended at least 1 event, and used the CHECK-IN station to check-in.
TOTAL CHECKINS for the DAY = total of all CHECKINS for the day, including those where the person didn’t checkin for a specific event, but rather scanned and logged just volunteer time, or didn’t log anything specific.

3. Report 1J is new, showing full-year CHECKIN data by person.

4. Added a number of new filters for various reports.



1. SELECTING DRIVERS (RIDES BY DRIVER): Updated to look at driver time preferences, which you setup in RIDEs- SETUP – DRIVERs. Drop-down selections for drivers will look at the time of the ride versus the availability times defined for a driver and put available drivers at the top of the list. You will now see drivers listed in dropdowns in several clusters (PREFERRED/AVAIL DRIVERS, DRIVERS w/CONFLICTS, INELIGIBLE DRIVERS, INACTIVE DRIVERS).  

  1. PREFERRED/AVAIL DRIVERS = based on the ride or vehicle time, these are the drivers that are available.
  2. DRIVERS w/CONFLICTS = based on the ride or vehicle time, these are drivers that have conflicts (ie. it doesn’t match their preferences, or they are assigned to another ride/vehicle at the same time).
  3. INELIGIBLE DRIVERS = marked with (*E*) after their name, these are drivers that, based on their driver profile, have one of the following: expired drivers license, expired insurance, expired enddate.
  4. INACTIVE DRIVERS – marked with (*I*) after their name, these are drivrers that you have marked in your system as inactive.  NOTE: Inactive drivers will be provided in dropdowns when you look at rides in the past.  This is because many sites update historical rides and on the day of the ride, a driver marked inactive today, may still have been active on the ride date. 

2. DRIVER SETUP: Updated to enable you to gather 3 new fields: INSURANCE_EXPIRATION, INSURANCE_COMPANY, and INSURANCE_POLICY_NUMBER. The system also is setup to look at a drivers Insurance expiration and Drivers License expiration and if it is the past, the driver will show in dropdowns with the symbol (*E*) following their name. You can still choose the driver, but the EXPIRED reference highlights to your attention that something in the DRIVER setup needs attention.

3. ADD ODOM SETTINGS BY RIDE (RIDES BY DRIVER): Some sites require odometer start/end collection by ride. These fields have been added to the RIDES tab and to the ROUTE SHEETS and can be updated as needed. 

4. RIDE REPORTS: New report 1H Summary by Location.

5. VARIOUS Rides Tabs:  Driver dropdowns throughout the product are updated to show LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME of the driver.  Many sites have large lists of drivers and the former approach of FIRST NAME LAST INITIAL was not enough to delineate drivers.



NOTE: ROLE-BASED timeslots is being implemented in two-phases. 

Phase 1, updating existing function/screens/views to support the new model has been completed. 

Phase 2, will be implemented during Summer 2018.  Phase 2 will enable users to start to set up/select role-based options and it will include a tutorial educational video.

HISTORICALLY:  If you have events where people sign-up in advance to help you out as a volunteer, you are probably using the VOLUNTEERING ROSTER in that event.  Historically, helpers you add to this volunteering roster are identified as helping for the full time of the event and there is no ‘role’ defined for the helper.  They are simply on your roster as a planned volunteer for the full time of the event.

NEW:  ROLE-BASED sign-ups are being added.  You will be able to identify specific roles for specific times within the event. For example, if you have an event that lasts all afternoon, but you need 2 volunteers from 1-2PM for a role you call SETUP, and 3 volunteers from 2-4 for a role you call HOSTING, and 2 volunteers from 4-5 for a role you call TEARDOWN, you can now define those as separate roles with those specific times. This enables people to sign-up for specific, shorter time slots.   


VOLUNTEERING ROSTER CALENDAR:  Now available. With the offering now of both a basic approach (full-time slots) and role-based, the volunteering calendar has been updated.  In the past, it only showed lists where people had signed up.  Now, it will show you all events where you are looking for volunteers, identify the number needed, and the number that have been filled.  HELPERVOLS NEEDED reflects events that used the ROLE-BASED approach.  ROSTERVOLS NEEDED reflects events that used the historical ‘full timeslot’ approach. The links in the calendar are clickable and will take you to the volunteering roster detail.


This is a crop out of a calendar, looking at the 16th of the month.
It shows there are 2 events that day with volunteering needs.
–HelperVols are “role-based, specific timeslot” needs within an event.
–RosterVols are not role based and cover full event time.




  1. EVENT ATTENDEE – BULK ENTRY: In bulk entry, you are able to load a group and quickly add an entire group of people to the event. In the past, this was limited to group sizes of 100 or less. This limit has been increased to 400.
  2. PEOPLE – FILTER: added new option to filter by “DATE CREATED”. This enables you to find all people records added to the system within a specific date range.
  3. STANDARDIZED QUICK LINK DATE BUTTONS added in many views: TODAY, NEXT DAY, PRIOR DAY, THIS WEEK, NEXT WEEK, PRIOR WEEK, THIS MONTH, PRIOR MONTH, NEXT MONTH. Enabling rapid date selection with a single click. These are being updated in various views over time.
  4. SCANCARDs:  For sites that re-issue new scancards yearly, 2 options will be added to the scancard setup, enabling you to add membership info to either the front or back of the card.  
  5. NEWSLETTER:  The NEWSLETTER tab, which enables you to generate a word doc containing a range of events useful for newsletter input, has been moved to the MORE… tab.
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